May the teachings below advance your spiritual growth:
A pivotal truth of Christianity is the revelation God loves us. Without a firm belief of God's love it will be impossible to fully embrace our redemption in Jesus Christ. God's love is a higher love than mankind's and for this reason we can trust in God's faithfulness to always love us.
The enemy purposely gives people a sense of inferiority so he can exert control over their lives. Through infiltrating minds with negative, degrading thoughts he programs a person to think little of themselves and hold them back from the design God has for their life. Feelings of inferiority is a bondage. We must override the enemy's tactic by examining the thoughts we think and making sure each aligns with God's Word concerning us.
If you want the power of God in your life it requires obeying the Word of God. The Lord did not give us His Word to confine us or take away our joy in life but for the opposite reason. Obeying the Word of God brings liberation from the tactics of the enemy and proves the goodness of God.
As a Christian it is vitally important to learn how to operate in faith. For by faith we received our salvation and it is by faith we receive the vast inheritance Jesus bought and paid for our enjoyment and use to further the kingdom of God. Operating in faith comes through revelations of God's Word. It is critical to study faith until it becomes your means of receiving God's best.
As Christians we are called to love one another as God loves us. The major component of love is forgiveness. Forgiveness is the ability to pardon a person for their offense and not think about it again. Love therefore requires a constant awareness of our thoughts towards others.
As a Christian do you ever feel as though you are not worthy to receive from God? A sense of unworthiness stems from what the Bible calls sin-consciousness. It means we determine our self-worth based on our sins rather than the truth we were made righteous when born again. Without an understanding of righteousness we are left thinking we have to earn God's favor when in reality we already have it!