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How to Hear from God



Life is a series of critical decisions such as where to live, what job offer to take, who to marry, and what school to send our children. As Christians we want to hear from God to help us make the right decisions and seek wisdom and advice. We yearn for God to have an active role in our decision-making so we glean His best. God says if we ask, He will freely lead us in the right direction. John 16:24 says, "ask, and ye shall receive, that your joy may be full."


There are three major ways God communicates to His children. First, by the inward witness. Second, by the still small voice. Lastly, through the voice of the Holy Spirit. All three come through our spirit. God's Spirit will communicate with our spirit providing the answers we need and the wisdom we desire.


Man is essentially a spirit-being with a soul (mind, will, emotions), who lives in a body

(2 Thessalonians 5:23). The "real" you is your spirit not your body. We were made in the image and likeness of God and God is Spirit (Genesis 1:26; John 4:24). God made us like Himself, a spirit-being, yet with a fleshly body.


Proverbs 20:27 tells us, "The Spirit of man is the candle of the Lord searching all the inward parts of the belly." Through our spirits, the Spirit of the Lord in us can search deep aspects of our being. The Spirit of God knows us intimately and can use this information to direct us and give us proper answers. We often seek direction through the mental, intellectual realm but God says, the Holy Spirit will guide us (John 16:13).


When you are born again, your spirit becomes regenerated with the Spirit of God. God is living in you along with Jesus and the Holy Spirit in your spirit. 1 Corinthians 3:16 says, "Do you not know that you are the temple of God and that the spirit of God dwells in you?"  This is why our spirit reveals guidance and answers to life because God is in our spirit. Armed with this knowledge, we can hear from God by becoming spirit-conscious or aware of what our spirit is telling us.


The Inward Witness


The most common way the Spirit guides is by the “inward witness.” Romans 8:16 says, "The Spirit Himself bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God." This scripture does not say God's Spirit bears witness with our bodies, minds or feelings but through our spirits alone. Just as the Holy Spirit gives us a "witness" we are children of God, so He will give witness to our spirit as the proper direction or answer.


The way we become aware of the witness is by becoming quiet and sensing what we are discerning in the center of our being. This is where the spirit resides. We can get a sense on the inside what God is prompting us to do.


If there is a sense of peace, a sense to go-ahead, or prompting to move forward, that is typically confirmation it is the correct direction to proceed. The answer is basically, "yes." Adversely, if we are not to move forward in a certain direction there will be a "check" in our spirit. A "check" is an indication to stop, don't do it, or a sense it is not right. It is through this "sensing on the inside" we can gain the correct direction to take and be led by God.


So often we are told from the pulpit we need to get God's guidance on matters and "hear from the Lord." This is true. Christians oftentimes after hearing this will conclude God will answer their request through an audible voice. Our tendency is to listen with our ears for a vocal answer from God. Yet, that is not how he predominately leads. He leads by the Spirit. Humans communicate verbally with each other and since we are attuned to communicating this way we tend to wrongly transfer this same method onto God. When we "listen" and expect an audible answer from God but hear none, it's easy to get frustrated and think God is not answering or we can't hear from God.


God will answer us, it's just in a different way than we are use to. Over 90% of the time God leads us by the inward witness. When we are encouraged to "hear" from God, remember to check your spirit and not listen with your ears for a voice. Ask yourself, "What am I sensing on the inside in my spirit?" That is where God's response will be.


Have you ever had the sense you should call a specific person but you dismiss the prompting by thinking something like, "Oh, I haven't talked to that person in years, why should I call her now?" Days or weeks later you learn that person was facing a threatening disease and needed prayer. This is a simple case of the Spirit leading. The Spirit was nudging you to make the phone call but you rationalized away the prompting and missed an opportunity to minister needed prayer.


When we are led by the Spirit we have to close off our minds from making the decision. It's not an issue for the mind to decide but for the Spirit to reveal. The mind can mislead and we won't get accurate direction. The mind has been groomed by many factors and cannot be trusted with spiritual answers. Only the Spirit can be trusted to give accurate guidance and wisdom.


Seek God in Everything


Actually God wants us to seek Him in everything we do. God wants to guide us into His perfect will. Rather than work independent of His guidance, God wants us to be dependent upon Him. By relying on God's help with our decisions we can be assured of successful outcomes.


For example, we may have a job opportunity where we can leave our current job and go work for someone else. We may pass the interview with flying colors, the salary could be much better than what we currently make, it could also include a promotion and the company could even offer you the job.  When you consider all the beneficial aspects, it appears to be an easy decision to go ahead and take the job. Mentally it may seem like a great idea, but again we cannot rely on our minds to give spiritual direction. Even though it may seem like a terrific opportunity, we may sense in our spirit "to not take the job." 


It's so important to obey the Spirit's prompting and do what God tells us. God is omniscient meaning He is all-knowing. He may know six months from now the company you interviewed with will downsize, and since you were the last position filled you would be first to be laid off. The truth is, God will never lead you into something harmful. God is for you and not against you. So if the Spirit indicates not to do something that in the natural seems good, don't do it.


I mentioned earlier one of the positive, go-ahead responses indicated by the Spirit is a sense of peace. Colossians 3:15 says, "And let the peace of God rule in your hearts, to which also you were called in one body...."  Like an umpire calling the plays in a sport, peace or no peace in our spirit should call the shots in our life to go ahead or stop. Peace gives an inwardly  buttery smooth sense, indicating to move forward or that things will turn out all right. If there is no peace, a check or constraint in our spirit we must take it as an indication of "no" for an answer.  Philippians 4:7 tells us, "and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus." Peace is from God and a clear, common way He directs us. Find out if you have peace before deciding to go ahead.


Another way to hear from God is to keep on asking. Sometimes we want quick Mc Donald drive-thru answers. That is, ask God, get a fast answer, thank God and drive on through. There are instances when we have to take time and pray for an extended time. God will give an answer but in His timing. In Luke Chapter 11 Jesus relays the parable of someone going at midnight to a friends house and asking for three loaves of bread to feed a visitor. The person in the house tells his friend he and his family are in bed and to not bother them now. The friend outside persists until he is given the loaves. Jesus finishes off the parable by saying,  "Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened" (Luke 11:9,10). Jesus tells us we will always be answered but sometimes it may take persistence.


Oftentimes when I need answers on a matter I will write my request on a sticky note and place it in a prominent spot where I will see it several times a day. I don't always use this but it is effective in some situations. A simple request might be, "Lord, help me be more loving." Or, for more practical advice I might say, "Lord, show me what type of car to buy." By seeing my note I'm reminded to ask. It also reminds me to be persistent in asking. I always get answers when I use this technique. So ask and keep on asking, God will answer.


The Still Small Voice and Voice of the Spirit


There are two other ways the Spirit leads. Neither of these are hearing with our intellect or ears. We hear them with our spirit. One is called the "still small voice" and the other the "voice of the Spirit." The Holy Spirit has a voice and it is usually soft and swiftly fleeting. The voice of the Spirit is different being firm and stern.


Don't be surprised if you never hear the voice of the Spirit, it is rare and not everyone will experience it. If you do hear it, the message is to make something extremely clear and direct. It sounds audible and it's easy to think someone in the room just spoke. There have been only two times in my life when I have heard the voice of the Spirit. One time it happened to me when I was in a prayer room quietly praying. I heard the voice of the Spirit say something to me. I quickly turned around to see who had just spoken. At the time the other three people in the room were still with heads bowed in quiet contemplative prayer. No one had spoken; it was the Spirit speaking to me and it was very direct and clear.


The still small voice is one you will hear occasionally. It is faint, fleeting and easy to miss, especially if we are not paying attention. So many times in our fast-paced world we are not quiet enough to hear the still small voice of God. We are busy thinking, listening to music, or carrying on a conversation and can miss God speaking to our spirit. The still small voice guides, encourages and even tells us about things to come. This voice never criticizes or condemns but rather provides protection, answers and help. The still small voice can be involved in any of your activities whether it be something small like purchasing an article of clothing or something big as moving to a new city. It is not predictable when the Holy Spirit will communicate with our spirit, but we can stay open to hearing the still small voice by remaining aware the Lord is near at all times.


God looks on our heart. He responds to tender hearts. Hearts that are open to Him and His ways. If we properly draw close to Him, He will draw close to us. The Lord tells us, "Draw nigh to me and I will draw nigh to you. Cleanse your hands, ye sinners; and purify your hearts, ye double minded" (James 4:8 ). Approach God with respect and confidence and He will honor you in return.


Each day of life is full of decisions. It's vital we open our heart to hear from God letting Him direct our steps. As we continue to "listen" with our spirits, we will become more sensitive to the Spirit's leading and God's wondrous ways of guidance. It takes time developing an ability to hear from the Lord. Be patient and trust God to respond because He is there listening, and will speak to your spirit.



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